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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Flutter tutorial for beginners to expert level


种子名称: [ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Flutter tutorial for beginners to expert level
文件类型: 视频
文件数目: 12个文件
文件大小: 1.23 GB
收录时间: 2023-2-5 08:25
已经下载: 3
资源热度: 98
最近下载: 2024-4-19 07:01


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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Flutter tutorial for beginners to expert level.torrent
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Creating New Flutter Project.mp467.14MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/10. Implementing code of a Horizontal Card/1. Implementing code of a Horizontal Card.mp4195.27MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/11. Packing a card into Widget and Stateless Widget/1. Packing a card into Widget and Stateless Widget.mp495.42MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/13. Creating Vertical Card/1. Creating Vertical Card.mp4216.99MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/15. Floating Action Button/1. Floating Action Button.mp454.93MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/16. Bottom Sheet/1. Bottom Sheet.mp4139.1MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/2. What is Scaffold, Column and Row and Styling in Text widget by giving color ,etc/1. What is Scaffold, Column and Row and Styling in Text widget by giving color ,etc.mp489.15MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/3. Images and Single scroll child view/1. Images and Single scroll child view.mp499.66MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Form in Flutter/1. Form in Flutter.mp474.92MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Appbar in Flutter/1. Appbar in Flutter.mp439.8MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/7. Bottom Navigation Bar/1. Bottom Navigation Bar.mp4103.3MB
  • ~Get Your Files Here !/8. Writing Algorithm of Designing a Horizontal Card/1. Writing Algorithm of Designing a Horizontal Card.mp480.96MB